♪ Pa-pum ♪
Previously on The Dragon Prince...
Great Domina Profundis, Archdragon of the Ocean.
The archmage Aaravos is trying to escape his magical prison.
We need to stop them.
Your dad's sick, Claudia.
We need to get to that little brown island and free Aaravos
if we want to keep my dad alive.
Claudia and Viren have the map.
They're two steps ahead.
If we can't stop them from freeing Aaravos,
we're going to need to know one thing.
How do you kill a Startouch elf?
I'd like to go check out this Great Bookery.
What do you say first thing tomorrow we go to Xadia?
Don't you love the morning, Rayla?
It reminds me that the world is full of potential.
Could you possibly love the morning more quietly?
I think if I do this right, I might be able to ride using one eye,
and sleep in late with the other one.
Ugh, not you too.
Okay. I'm awake now.
I heard you were departing for Xadia this morning,
and, uh, I wanted to send you off properly.
Hot brown morning potion, of course...
...and a box of my newest morning baked treats.
I couldn't decide whether to call them pastry rings, or hole cakes,
circle-sweets, or sugar wheels.
But I think I got it...
Oh, this is so good.
Mmm, you said it, Bait.
I shall send word to the Storm Spire
to update King Ezran of the High Mage's whereabouts.
Mm! You should send him one of these too. So good.
Uh, Prince Callum,
is it true you're going all the way to Xadia for a... book?
Mm. Not just a book.
Today, we begin our epic journey to the Great Bookery of Lux Aurea,
the greatest library in all of Xadia.
So... books.
What's taking so long?
Come on, we have to get going.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Why do people say that?
That is not how races work. Fast wins the race.
Say it with me. Fast wins the race.
I'm hearing you.
The situation is urgent,
and you're worried I'm not treating it that way.
Every day that goes by,
I get closer to losing the only family I have left.
I won't let you down, and we won't let him down.
Now let's get this big hunk of Dad moving.
Great. We got him up.
Now we need to start walking.
Slow and steady?
Yeah. Slow and steady.
We meet again.
Only this time,
here I am on the other side.
The path of fate is already chosen.
Every step I took, I took because I had to.
Daddy! Daddy!
Oh, great dragons of Xadia.
I have come from Katolis to once again call...
Call doesn't sound important enough.
Should I say "beseech"? Or "entreat"?
Wait, is this still part of the speech
or is he asking us?
He's asking us.
Do you think the dragons would rather be beseeched or entreated?
I think the one with the treats, maybe? Everybody likes treats.
That's not what the word means.
I just want to make sure my words match the gravity of the situation.
This is all too heavy.
It's not fair you have to struggle through this alone.
You deserve time to do kid stuff.
If you spend all your time doing adult stuff now,
you'll grow up weird,
like your brother and Rayla.
I don't have time to do kid things.
I must gain the trust and cooperation of the dragons,
and I shall not be deterred.
So many people are counting on me to do my duty.
See? This is my point.
You just said people are counting on you to do your duty,
and you didn't giggle one bit.
I'm not engaging this.
Every time I sit on my throne,
I'm reminded of the immense pressure of my kingly duty.
- Huh? - Poop, my king.
He's talking about poop.
That is... That is funny.
Also, and I can't believe I'm saying this but you said,
"I shall not be deterred."
We covered a lot of distance today.
Time to rest, so we can do it all over again tomorrow.
Right, but why sleep in the grass, when we could sleep in class?
There's a nice cozy inn just ahead.
Hmm. It seems like an indulgence.
If we get better sleep, we can leave earlier tomorrow.
Plus they have free breakfast.
Oh, fine! Softies.
Aww. Soft and cuddly.
How about we stop here and rest?
There's even a family of crabs.
We can relax to the jaunty rhythms of their clickety-clackety claws.
No. We can't stop now.
Claudia, everyone needs to rest, including you.
Especially you.
No! We have to keep moving.
That's the only thing that matters now. Keep moving!
- Daddy! - You keep moving.
Where are you?
- Daddy. - Why do you keep moving?
Thanks for humoring me, Rayla.
I hope staying in that inn wasn't too cutesy-quaint
for your rugged Moonshadow tastes.
Actually, that was amazing.
Soap has no right to come in such adorable little shapes.
And I can't believe you were right about the breakfast.
And the best part of all...
the mint on the pillow.
How have I gone to sleep all these years
without just one lovely little moment that's sweet, yet cool and refreshing?
Well, I'm glad you liked it.
It's a great start to a great day, and we're almost to the Border.
The sun is shining. And this time, my mount actually likes me.
Yep. Too much. Sorry about that.
Kpp'ar? How?
My most eager student returns.
Such elegant finery.
It seems you've overcome the disadvantages of your upbringing.
What's wrong with your arm?
Oh, wounds from an ancient and disturbing practice.
One of my many mistakes.
I always knew you'd go far.
But I didn't know how far you'd go to get there.
I had no choice. I did what I had to do.
Hah! No choice?
You made the choice you've always made.
The one that gives you power.
You're wrong.
I've always done what protects my family.
However dangerous. However vile.
This place is a scar.
I see it a little different.
I know dark magic created this place,
but it's a bridge...
between our two worlds.
And now, here we are... crossing it together.
Maybe you're right.
It's an old wound... that's healing.
All hail King Viren!
This is nonsense.
None of you are making any sense.
Even though we're in a totally different world,
the sky still looks the same as it does in Katolis.
You can see the Big Spoon.
The what?
Don't you have names for constellations here?
Yeah, we do.
I guess they're just different.
So what do you call the Big Spoon?
That's Garlaath, the Annihilator.
Oh. Neat.
Ah, those five stars in a row
are supposed to be the handle of the big spoon.
Those five stars are Garlaath's bandolier of skulls.
Uh-huh, I see it.
Unusual garment choice for Garlaath, not very subtle.
Annihilators don't need to be subtle.
What do you call that star?
The brightest star in the sky.
We call it the South Star.
Humans use it to navigate.
You know, to find their way in the endless darkness of the night.
What's happening?
I'm glad we can be here together, looking at the stars.
That beautiful shining star you just pointed out?
We call it Leola's last wish.
Oh. Who's Leola?
I dunno.
Friend of Garlaath's maybe?
Claudia, you look exhausted.
You haven't slept in two days.
It doesn't matter.
I can't watch you suffer like this.
You have to rest, take care of yourself for a few hours.
I won't. I can't.
We have to get there before we run out of time.
We can't stop moving or my father will die.
Claudia, I'm begging you. You have to sleep.
Unless you can invent a way for me to sleep and move at the same time,
we just have to keep...
- Blood of Child! Blood of Child! - Sir.
She needs sleep.
- Blood of Child. - Better.
Still, no idea why you're saying that. But better.
Wait. Maybe there is a way to sleep and move at the same time.
You look so surprised to see me.
Harrow? You...
You survived?
My king.
Well, it was quite some night,
but I couldn't have done it without you.
I owe you an apology, Viren.
The night they came for me...
I was cruel to you.
They were coming to kill you.
I was running out of time, and I was frightened.
I treated you badly even though I care for you so much.
The truth is...
you're not a servant to me.
You are a brother.
You're my family.
I've always thought of you as my family,
and you know I would do anything for my family.
However dangerous. However vile.
I know.
It is everything to me,
to know that I mean something to you,
to know that I matter.
It's all I ever wanted.
Of course.
Of course, I value you.
Your soul is my treasure.
Wait. What did you just say?
Garlaath, no.
There's something moving in the forest.
We have to go.
What is that thing?
Bait! We left Bait.
On it.
We got him.
Classic swoop-n-scoop.
Uh, can we stop lurching around? I'm trying to cast a spell here.
It's lurch or be lunch!
Well, it's nighttime, so we'd more likely be dinner.
Take the reins.
Is that one special? What does it do?
No idea!
Woo-hoo! Nice arrow!
Thanks, Ethari.
I gotta wake up. We gotta keep moving.
Shh! Hey, it's okay.
You are moving.
You said you needed a way to sleep and keep moving at the same time.
So I built you your own personal dream-raft.
Oh, Terry!
Daddy, daddy!
Oh, there he is, my little golden boy.
Oh, but first you have to pay the toll.
The price is one tummy-zerbert.
I love you, Daddy.
Oh, I love you too. I love you so much.
Soren? Soren?
Son, wh... what's wrong?
You're going to be okay. Daddy will take care of you.
- No. No, no. No! - Da...
I would do anything to change this.